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Orange and Brown Gemstones

EVT.VN 11 năm trước 486 lượt xem

Orange and Brown Gemstones

    Orange and Brown Gemstones



    Gemstone Crystal System Density Hardness Refractive index Treatments
    agateAgate microcrystalline 2.66 6.5-7.0 1.544-1.553 dying
    amberAmber amorphous 1.08 2.0-2.5 1.54 heating, oiling, reconstitution
    carnelianChalcedony microcrystalline 2.66 7 1.544-1.553 dying
    chrysoberylChrysoberyl orthorhombic 3.72 8.5 1.746-1.755 none
    coralCoral trigonal 2.65 3.5-4.0 1.486-1.658 dying
    diamondDiamond cubic 3.52 10 2.417 radiation, drilling, fracture filling
    garnetGarnet cubic 3.40 5.5-6.5 1.700-1.746 none
    jadeiteJadeite microcystalline 3.34 6.5-7.0 1.660-1.680 dying
    opalOpal amorphous 2.15 5.0-6.5 1.450 fracture filling
    spinelSpinel cubic 3.60 8 1.718 none